Hey, Briselli! Are you speaking in the aggregate!?

In episode 21 we are now old enough to gamble. We celecbrate by performing an experiment: let us find out if we can make our guest cry out in frustration as we attempt to summarize her work. Fun! Join us as we finally finish the damn bridge.

The intro was recorded on July 17. It is the most recent part of this particular episdoe.

Malaysian airliner believed to have been brought down by Ukrainian separatists

Giant Siberian hole(s).

Listen to the podcast:


  1. Sound localization
  2. Chris Harrison and Robert Xiao
  3. Mr. Show Pre-Taped Call-In Show Bit


Ultimate section of interview with Jen Briselli

You can review the last episode by reading the show notes from last time.

At risk of damaging her ethos, Jen explains how people may find themselves in specific quadrants of the grid. Here's a picture of it that Dave drew:

The HEIC Matrix
Egalitarian/hierarchical – individualist/communitarian matrix: Can predict how individuals feel about specific scientific/political issues.

Is your ingroup growing when you land outside of your matrix?

Here we relink to the Lewandowski video. It is more relevant given the current conversation.

“Quit othering others.” — Jen Briselli

Jen’s method cards for making this work practicable.

And her PCR workshop, where Dave first met her. Listen and you'll hear him talk at one point. Surprise.

Randy Olson describes how to tell a story
This is his site.
This cat's another one piece of the pie, like the debunking handbook (from which this all sprung).

A giant puzzle…

To be clear… The sixth of June is long gone.

Also… It’s James Wynn (English faculty at CMU who teaches courses on rhetoric.), or it’s David the Rhetoritician. Which rhetor do you prefer?

Here’s Waingarten, by the way. (I know I've mentioned him to you before. But you really ought to check him out.)

Now. Ahem. This outro might be a bit confusing. We recorded it on June 22, which was after publishing the first of the Jen Briselli’s, but before publishing parts 2 and 3. The outros to 2 and 3 we recorded after this one. It was back when we still thought this segment was going to be done much sooner than it was. If you're confused... well... so are we.


USA soccer fans don’t need an invitation.

This concludes your trip in the time machine.

P.S. Epic Rap Battles of History. You're welcome.

Some final thoughts on science communication

Here are the links that didn’t make it into prior episodes, but still deserve the consideration.

Jen's thesis

The official document

There's also a shorter version of what she did for her thesis on her website.

Some of Jen’s personal references. Let us know if you want more!

From that list, Jen says to take note of:
  • "…the Fisher paper is a little theoretical and kind of strange but one of my favorites."
  • "…the Miller paper—I think I referenced this in the show too—is where she talked about scientists using ethos as logos."
  • "…Oreskes writes beautifully on this topic pretty much any time she weighs in. Her book “Merchants of Doubt” is a great account of how a few people can create controversy and denial when the will is there¬—though that's not representative of every possible “science controversy.” Sometimes controversy and “denial” is manufactured (and this books show exactly how that can happen), but I'd caution people not to assume this is how it all takes place. Mostly, it's just humans being social creatures and falling victim to motivated reasoning/identity-protective cognition, without the added ingredient of someone deliberately preying on that fact."

  • Cultural Cognition

    Our thanks again to Jen. She took our little conversation about the Debunking Handbook and blew it into a summer-long conversation. She's been a great guest and good sport for the past two months. Let us know your thoughts, listener, and pose any questions you have for her in the comments. We are happy to bring her back again some time.



    (Cover image credit: Building a (Sydney Harbour) bridge. )


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