Spurious correlations
PowerPoint karaoke
Chatting about science communication with Jen Briselli. Okay...maybe it's more than a chat.
The history of music history
Designing for culture education
Carbon sinks and mangroves
Debunking misconceptions and myths
In this episode we get a little silly, but we still manage to let Alex Reinhart raise the bar. It's our first interview!
Writing for culture research
Defining “population”
Computer privacy
Kevin Trudeau
Selling fake cures
Research methods
Sound wave manipulation
Culture research
Turning images into sound
False positives come from sampling error
Review standard deviation
Stopping Rules
Regression to the mean
Conjunction fallacy
Images into sound for the blind
Someone is wrong on the internet.
Apologies to Neuron, and maybe Maher...maybe.
More base rate fallacy.
Multiple comparisons problem.
Alpha correction.
Mars' jelly donut.
Sad science facts.
Julian Treasure.
Ice and snow in Portland, Ken Ham and Bill Nye, Bill Maher is Rush Limbaugh Left, Publication Bias, Mice in a dark room, and Guy Hammond makes robots that make music
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