Visual Technologies, Cyberpunk, Common Core, Japanese Cheerleader Robots, and Intimidating Classical Music
Recorded October 5, 2014. Produced October 12, 2014. "Posted" November 1, 2014.
This di-week we come back to Dave's research, and he concludes the description of what he has been working on with audio data in classrooms. Adam then talks a bit about what he's planning for the coming semester, and just in general.
Recorded September 21. Edited October 3. Published October 5.
Taking a break from Dave’s research we talk about Adam’s new direction into electrical engineering. This leads into a deep discussion on the properties of sound as we work our way into a neat new invention out of MIT.
Recorded September 7. Edited September 16. Published September 25, 2014.
We go deeper into Dave’s current research, this time with slides for your following along enjoyment!
Recorded August 24. Edited September 3. Published September 6, 2014.
Super geeky review of how the Kinect does audio location. Adam gets heckled by Cottage Grovians. Then a walk down MTV lane.
Recorded August 3. Edited August 16. Published August 24.